Friday, November 29, 2013

Thanksgiving in Recife

Thanksgiving is not a holiday in Recife.
But I invited all the senior American missionaries
to come and celebrate with us after work on
Thursday the 28th

We have a table, chairs, and dishes for four
in our apartments
Claudia and Don Andrews
(our new American missionary couple)
brought their table, chairs and dishes
 and we put them together.

Claudia had brought the napkins from the States

Vernon went to the store on Monday and Tuesday
for last minute shopping for all the trimmings.
Turkey is pretty expensive here
so the Andrews contributed money 
for the holiday bird, made the sweet potatoes
and had brought a can of cranberry sauce 
from the States.
After work Tuesday I cooked the turkey 
de-boned it, and stewed the carcass
and made gravy.

After work on Wednesday
I made the dressing
and put it in the Andrew's frig.

After our shift ended at 2:45 on Thursday
we cooked the dressing in our little oven
and made up some of our microwave apple pudding
and warmed up the meat.

Vernon made his wonderful mashed potatoes
cut up the brocolli and carrots
and the fruit 

We brought the desk in from our bedroom 
to hold most of the food.

The fruit plate, mashed potatoes and gravy 
were on the counter and stove top

Vernon and the Andrews waited their turn
while the rest of us filled up our plates

The Brazilian touch was the Guarana
a traditional soft drink.
Maria Rodrigus (left) is sister Gayla Hansen's
companion. She is Brazilian but lives in Canada,
and speaks English very well.
They celebrate Thanksgiving but on a different day.
She brought the rolls.

Gayla made the pumpkin pie 
and brought vanilla ice cream
whipping cream is hard to find here.

Layne Anderson, at the end of the table,
managed the cafeteria for a prison in Idaho
at one time and loves cooking.
He made a special cake and his famous
sweet pickles and 
some homemade cranberry jelly. 
Pat his wife made the glazed ham and
put together a lovely vegetable plate.

It was a great feast!
Maria and Gayla washed and dried the dishes,
while I divided up the food 
to send home with everyone. 
The best part of the Thanksgiving meal is:
"Left Overs"

After everything was cleared up and put away
we sat around the table
and each shared five things we were grateful for.
It was like a testimony meeting.
The evening was wonderful 
it was all in English 
except for the blessing on the food 
Vernon gave that in Portuguese.

We shed tears as we expressed our love
and gratitude for our families, 
the technology that enables us to stay in touch
the opportunity to serve in the temple, 
for the Father's plan of happiness 
and his protecting care.

We were all grateful for our health. 
our wonderful companions,
the guidance of the Holy Ghost, the scriptures 
and the atonement of our Savior,
Jesus Christ. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I had a wonderful time. the food was delicious and the company even better. thank you for all the time you took in preparing all the food making sure every thing was perfect and beautiful.