It takes about two weeks to say good-bye in Brazil. This is just one of the many farewell parties we had for the Woodwards before they left. This was a dinner with the first councilor and all his children and grandchildren. They are a wonderful example of the strength of members here in Brazil.

Brother and Sister Carmargo have four sons and one daughter, one son-in-law, and three daughter-in-laws (the youngest son is not married yet), four grandchildren and one more on the way. They all sang a wonderful farewell to the president.

The Cafeteria never misses a chance to put on a special spread. This was the full-time and part-time staff good-bye to the President.

The teachers are all return missionaries and all wonderful!

We had a farewell photoshoot with all the missionaries the last Saturday evening before they left.

The big three talking through the transfer of administration. President Clark (in-coming President) came down with pnemonia in the MTC in Provo and had to go back home to Georgia to recover. Vernon was called to be the interim president until he recovers. Left to right Elder Christopherson (executive secretary and interim President), President Woodward (out-going President after two years), and Aldo Francesconi (director of the Brazil MTC who stays year after year)

The last photo of the gang! Dr. and Sister Halls, Elder Christopherson, President and Sister Woodward, and Sister Chris. . We finally shut the doors and took off for the airport.
It won't be too long until it's you leaving. We miss you.
It does take time to say goodbye at the MTC. I remember. It will be the same for y'all. I hope Vernon is doing o.k. running the MTC. He would be awesome and maybe the new pres. is already there.
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