We went back to the Dutch town of Holambra for the Floral Festival (Expoflora). It was just like a state fair. Grandpa/Vernon always liked to go to the Utah State Fair on his birthday.

These cars were all in mint condition. There isn't much that Grandpa/Vernon enjoys more than cars.

Outside of the big display area where the cars were, we saw these big beautiful planters. An older gentelman asked us if we would like him to take our picture together. So many of the people here are exceptionally friendly and anxious to help you, however they can.

There were hundreds of little booths selling their wares. One of the most amazing things that we observed was that no one was smoking.

People from Holland settled this area and so you see the dutch influence in the archetecture throughout the town.

There were children dressed in traditional dutch costumes and wooden shoes performing throughout the festival.

Bands were playing and marching along the sidewalks. These dutch dancers were on stilts.

There was a huge warehouse just filled with table after table of plants and flowers that you could buy.

There were orchards of every size and shape.

Bright brilliant colors filled the whole warehouse.

Plants like these, that we would normally only be able to grow indoors, thrive everywhere in and outdoors in Brazil.

All the walkways throughout the festival were decorated with these beautiful gardens.

When we left Sao Paulo the skies were cloudy and threatening rain. But the closer we got to Holambra the clearer the skies were and the day turned out to be perfect.

Some of these plants are just breath-takingly beautiful.

Some of these plants were huge.

I think I miss our grandchildren the most and so I could not resist capturing this terrific play area. Many of the displays were open for you to experience rather than just look at.

This jungle gym was set up by a company that was marketing their outdoor living designs.

We walked through a large building that had hundreds of floral designs for special occations from Weddings to Haloween.

We almost left before going into this building and were so trilled that we found it.

Each display was different and so fun and visually exciting. I have found that Brazilians love to celebrate and decorate.

This was one of my favorites. I love all the different patterns , the colors and especially the lighting.

It was almost overwelming there were so many displays one after another.

The festival was more than just an exposure to the Flemish culture. You see and feel the influence of India and Africa that has mixed together to create the vibrant culture that I have come to love here in Brazil.

This display was a surprize. All of a suddened you felt like you had stepped into the American South West. I hear that cactus are actually becoming a indangered species and have become very popular throughout the world.

These simple little nooks were some of the most dramatic floral displays.

Besides the indoor displays there were outside living displays; many of which you could walk right into.

This one was especially inviting.

I wanted to remember how they set up the hammock in this display.

In Brasil you see tile used everywhere, indoors and outdoors.

We were invited to sit right down in this display and have our picture taken with the Halls. (He's the MTC physician)

The ground is covered, in this display, with tiny white stones and the picture on the wall is actually alive. Many little plants inbedded in moss are held inplace behind a wire mesh.

Just like the artist who will sketch your portrait at the Utah State Fair, this fellow was trying to get someone to let him sketch them. (For a price of course)

Many of the Ameican missionaries that work at the Brazilian Church Headquaters in São Paulo (A Associação) came to this Expo on Saturday and said that it was extremely crowded. We went the day before (Friday) and didn't find it too crowded at all.

There were several hundred young people in Dutch costumes everywhere you looked.

This was one of the most enjoyable outings we have taken. We just keep finding things to do and places to go that are so pleasant and enjoyable. "Um forte abraço a todos" A big Brazilian hug to all of you.
1 comment:
I'm glad that you continue to have such great cultural experiences along with your missionary work. These will be great memories.
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