we have not been out on a weekly day trips for a while because Vernon/Grandpa and the doctor have had spend a lot of time taking missionaries to the hospital. But Friday was a good day so we left early in the morning and drove to
Pico Jaragua. This is the highest point in the
Sao Paulo area and looks out over the surrounding communities.

The day was
hazy so we could not see out over the valley very well. Never the less it was still spectacular.

We could drive almost to the top but then had to hike the last few feet to the top of the peek

about 250 stairs up

There was a tram at the top that we thought we could have taken but then found out that it was only for service personnel

We could stop along the way and catch our breath

But the view at the top was worth it

the communication tower projected up 400 feet into the sky

A close up of the tower looks like a big abstract painting

There were several look-outs stationed around the base of the tower.

Coming down was harder than going up unless

There was a big
concession stand at the bottom this is the roof. Rain comes quickly and it is nice to have some place to wait out the storm. We were lucky no rain this day. However we think we will try and come back on a day when it does rain so the valley will be cleared of all the smog.

This is the path that leads to the concession stand from the stairs. A common paving done throughout Brazil is done with
granite blocks that will last for centuries. They called it "
paralelepipido" (parallel cobble stones)

At the bottom of the stairs is a nice little play ground

Our P-day is a play day for the most part and we do have a lot of fun driving around the area and finding fun spots like this.

Being around 19 and 21 year-
old missionaries is keeping us young
1 comment:
See! You guys do the funest stuff! The pink is odd, but makes the photos very dramatic. (Maybe it's just my computer).
Abraços e beijos
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