This is the beginning of a very pleasant trip to the Atlantic ocean, about one and a half hours from Sao Paulo. We had been invited to visit the home of Ron Gunn. He had just been released as a branch president at the MTC here. He had served for 7 years and had invited us for a lunch some time ago. As part of the trip we had to board a ferry which we are about to do here.

This is the front of their home in Guaruja, a resort town near Santos.

To the right of their home is this beautiful home. All along the back of these dwellings is a very steep drop off with a magnificant view of the bay.

This is a very inviting hot tub on the uncovered part of the balcony.

Ron Gunn reminiscing

with President Arlan Woodward.
Sister Gunn and Sister woodward

Ron is a avid golfer and has the trophies to prove it. He is a semi retired investment adviser specializing saving foreign companies from having to pay more taxes to the Brazilian government than is necessary.

Another view (on an overcast day) of the the bay from their home.

Ron flanked by his wife and Jerry in front of their home

Home directly in front of their home.

The Christoperson and the Gunns

Sister Gunn in front of an orchid which her husband had given her. She attached it to this palm tree and it is thriving. She was born in Egypt and came to Brazil as a young girl. She and Ron were very gracious host and we thoroughly enjoyed our outing.
Is he Alf Gunn's brother?
You guys are having some great adventures. That place looks fabulous.
We will miss you tomorrow night. I will try to remember to get some photos to post on our blog.
Abraços e beijos.
Now this make us really homesick for those P-day adventures! Guaruja was one of our favorite places in all of Brazil, and the Gunns are great. So glad you could get down there!
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