Sao Paul Temple is located right in the down town area of the city. We are able to go to the temple every other week with the missionaries. The temple grounds are an oasis in the middle of the concrete Sao Paulo jungle. The
Linford's daughter and son-in-law ( Charles West served his mission in Brazil) came down to visit for 10 days before the
Linfords leave for home. Charles is the son of Frank and Francis West that lived in the Boise first ward where I grew up. I knew his two older brothers John and Frank. We had a great time with the
Linford's daughter and son-in-law. The best news (for us) is that the
Linfords have decided not to leave for home until the new doctor arrives in November. We were going to be without a doctor for about a month and a half because the interim doctor had heart surgery
and would not be able to come.

The fountain wasn't running this day because the temple is actually closed right now for cleaning

This is the Brazil Area Church office building that is located in the same complex with the
Sao Paulo Temple. There is a distribution center on the back-side of this building as well another building that I think was used for the missionary training center at one time.

There is a stake center located next to the temple too. A metro station is being built right next to the temple grounds which will make traveling to the temple much easier for a lot of people and also make the temple and thus the church more
visible to many more people. The Lord has a wonderful way of orchestrating the work throughout the world.
It looks like a lovely spot.
Wow, it's gorgeous!
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