Sunday, March 27, 2011

This is the Campinas Temple and is located about an hour and  a quarter north of the city of São Paulo. Today, March 24th 2011,  Jerry and  I accompanied  a group of Brazilians missionaries who came to this temple  because the São Paulo temple is closed for cleaning and repairs.
This building, which is adjacent to the temple, houses some offices and a distribution center on the bottom floor and apartments for patrons and temple workers on the two floors above.
The wife of this couple was kind enough to take a family name for Jerry through an endowment session.. When they met each other outside the temple the two greeted each other with a Brazilian hug and a kiss.  This is a very common tradition here in Brazil.  (One lady touches her cheek on the cheek of the other person and they both make a kissing sound with their lips).  The brazilians are a very kind, loving people. The husband served as a teacher at the MTC, but this happened before we arrived.
Some of the beautiful trees and schrubs on the temple grounds.
Jerry makes her way back to the parking lot behind the temple where the buses are waiting for us.
The two white buses brought us to this temple and waited while we were inside.  The smaller bus brought those missionaries who have never been to the temple.  The larger of the two is the one we came on and which we are about to board for the return trip.  It takes about half a day to make this trip and we left the MTC in São Paulo at 6:30 am.
A view from the back of the temple.  
The temple sits on a hill and offers a 360° view of the surrounding countryside.
A major freeway provides accessibility to the temple.
Security is partially provided by a guard booth and controlled entrance and egress.


David and Kris Taylor said...

I was just wondering how often you got to visit the temple. What a treat to see the Campina Temple. A doubly nice post!


nano*ink said...

The gate into the temple is different since our time. It's great to see the new entry and American missionaries...very fun.