Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Butter fly Farm

we spent a wonderful Friday in the Country. One of our visits was to a butterfly farm
The make butterflies will land on you they are attracted to the perspiration
The area is enclosed with nets so that the natural predators of the butterflies can't get in. Fly are one of their predators they can't get in but they do lay their eggs on the net and the larva does get through the nets
The flowers are native to Brazil and the area is filled with the flowers that attract the butterflies

these are called Chinese lanterns
This butterfly had just been born and was being released out of the cage

The lab is where they keep the chrysalis until the butterflies are born
the hydraingea were everywhere
They were huge
It was a wonderfully pleasant day


David and Kris Taylor said...

So, who plans all your great adventures? This looks like a great place to visit.


Sharon said...

Stunning pictures! Great missionary couple! Love you both.

We've got three months left in New York.

Lin and Sharon

nano*ink said...

I miss Aldo's place and the yummy pizzas. I could never eat all that I wanted to. I loved the dessert pizzas too. I miss hydrangeas and all the beautiful flowers. xoxo