Sunday, January 18, 2009

perfect light for violets

Our kitchen has the perfect light for growing violets. Sister Linford gave me this violet when they thought they were leaving the first time. It did not have any blooms on it when she gave it to me. When they had their call extended I gave it back to her in full bloom. When they left a month and a half later the blooms were gone again. But within a short time this little plant burst forth with blooms again. The fern we bought at the outdoor market never died but it didn't flourish so I finally replaced it with a ficus tree (Benjamin tree). We bought it at the supper market for 10 Reais about five American dollars. It is two feet tall and doing wonderfully well. I have three other house plants that are thriving so I am a happy camper.


nano*ink said...

I finally bookmarked your I will check it more often.
Allen often had an orchid on his desk. We would go to the CEASA and the orchids would last a long time.

David and Kris Taylor said...

Wow! You have been catching up on your blog in a big way. That makes me happy. The violet is lovely -- you have a green thumb.
