Sunday, February 20, 2011

Cemetery Flowers

The first six photos were all taken just outside the south wall of one of the largest cemeteries in São Paulo.  The back of these small shops (to your right) is the wall of the "Cemitério do Santíssimo Saramento/Araça" on Avenida Doutor Arnaldo. There are dozens of these vendors along this street.
This is a very busy street and it is easy to see how much of the sidewalk has been taken up to accomodate these flower shops.

The flowers are simply gorgeous. I was amazed that so many people can make a living selling flowers to those whose loved ones are interred in this cemetery.

Sister Sandra Dille, wife of the MTC Medical Officer, Larry Dille.

There is probably stretch of about the lenght of two large city blocks of the shops.
We did not see a lot of people purchasing flowers while we were here, but it was in the middle of the day.  Perhaps the shop keepers are busier just before regular working hours begin and at the end of the work day.

However, not to be outdone by the dazzling display of all these beautiful blooms above, Jerry has been able to get her violets to produce gratifying results down here in Brazil.  It may be due to her tender loving care or it could be the climate here.  Or maybe a little of both! 
Congratulations Jerry.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Singing in the mail room

These scenes in the mailroom (Jerry´s Office) are typical of missionaries singing to Jerry.  She asks them to sing to audition for preludes and special numbers to be performed at firesides, devotionals, mission conferences and special events. She also has them sing to her when they have locked themselves out of their bedrooms by leaving their keys in the rooms and then shutting the locked doors. Its the price they pay for having her unlock their doors. But sometimes missionaries just want a way to express their joy and this (especially for the Brazilians) is one of their favorite ways to do so.

All of the Elders in this post are Brazilians.

A few are reluctant to participate, but eventually all join in the singing.

Jerry is always delighted to find a missionary that can play the church hymns.
We often comment to each other how  much love we feel for these choice young missionaries from the moment they set foot in the MTC.  This comes in part from the fact that they are so eager to learn and are themselves so loving.  We also feel however that it is a blessing given to us because of our calling.