This is a partial view of the MASP or the São Paulo Museum of Art. It is a huge building suspended in the air by two concrete beams which are supported by four concrete pillars, two of which are partly visable on the left (in red). We were very impressed with the display of art inside the museum. We were not allowed to take pictures of the artwork inside, but on display were paintings by Gauguin, Monet, El Greco, Picasso, Van Gogh. Toulouse-Lautrec,Van Dyck and many other famous artist. This shot was taken from across the street (Avenida Paulista). In back of me is the Trianon Park, a lush green area in the middle of the largest city in the Southern Hemisphere.

This shot of the Brother and Sister Dille was taken only a few yard from the first photo. The palm trees are wrapped in Chistmas lights and were being undecorated by city park employees. We wondered how they were going to remove the lights that were forty feet up the side of the trees. And there were hundreds of tree decorated like this one.

This is a shot of a bench inside the museum but not in the area where the paintings were displayed.

The paths within the park were all paved with broken stones about the size of golf balls.

Even though the strees surrounding this park are crowded, there were relatively few people within the park. Dogs are allowed in the park but must be on a leash.

Although we had heard from some that this park is not always safe , we saw a lots of armed police and felt comfortable as we strolled through the beautiful scenery.

There were two or three well used playgrounds within the park. We commented that this may be the only nearby place where families that lived in the city can bring their children to play.

Now we are back in the MTC. I wanted to show this picture because it is a scene that we see several times everyday. It is a view from the third floor (the floor on which we live) looking north. The tiny spire to the left of the beige building is the new Casa Verde Chapel. This is the building for which the MTC missionaries provided the music at the open house in August of last year.